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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Newbie Traffic-How to Tap into Twitter traffic

Newbie Traffic-How to Tap into Twitter traffic

Newbie Traffic Formula The easiest way to tap into Twitter Free Traffic

Hey Welcome back to Newbie Traffic Formula Review. Today I have a really special tip for you about...

How to tap into Twitters 317 Billion user traffic source. Oh and this is all free traffic BTW.
Also at the end of this post I am going to show you how NTF has really help get a lot of traffic to this blog, I am going ot show you todays stats.

But first let's get into this really unique free traffic tip.

How to tap into Twitters Targeted & Free Traffic

I am going to save you a lot of reading time, you can thank me later. I am not going to write about how to get twitter followers, or how to steal free traffic from twitter to your blog or website. Heck, I am not even going to tell you how to link your linkedin account to twitter and twitter to Facebook. Nope I am not going to do it.

If you want me to write a post on any of those topics all you have to do is comment below this post and if you ask me nicely, I might just do it for you.

What you are about to discover here is pretty powerful in driving targeted traffic to your blog, squeeze page, or even local business site. Heck, if your an affiliate marketer you can even us this one tip to make money today.

What is is already your porbably shouting. Okay, okay, I am getting on with it. Want ot hear some country music?

Here we go...

Here is what I want you to do. Open a new browser and type in this URL. <------ a="" and="" below="" click="" for="" in="" like="" link="" one="" open="" or="" p="" screen="" see="" shot.="" the="" will="" you.="" you="">

  Look for "See what is happening right now" Under neath those magic words is a search box. In that search box you can search for all kinds of neat little hash tags, Star trek Discovery, fart jokes and if you are a really smart marketer, you could type in your niche asking a question. Lets try one.

In the search type in "how can I make money?" You might need to put a little effort into this one because you need to be in your ideal audiences shoes. So come at that search bar as if you are someone looking for a solution that your business can help with.

So let's try this too...

"How to make money from home"

"How to  make money from affiliate marketing?"

Now lets look at the kind of power this Newbie traffic formula from Twitter can help your business. If you look at the screen shot of the second image you will see that some people are asking the question of how can I make money from... my Poetry. Now if your in the publishing business you could smartly reply to that person and say something like, "I can help get your poetry published on one of the biggest book sources online. DM for more info."

What if your a local business? Lets say a real estate agent. You could type into the magic Twitter search bar, "How to sell my home in #Lake Tahoe." Then the twitter search genie will show you tweets from people asking that question. Then you reply to their tweet accordingly leaving them a link to your site or have them DM you where you can give them more info and probably your number.

Let's say your product creator and your latest product is all about getting massive traffic. Some one Tweeted and ask how can I get free targeted traffic that is reliable and sustainable? You simply reply with your link to your  traffic course. You may even offer them a discount.

Bam! you just got a new client.
Bam! you just sold a solution to someone's problem and made some affiliate cash.
Bam! you just attracted someone to your list.

  Bam! That's today's Traffic Tip

Now I wanted to show you the power of the Newbie traffic formula. I haven't posted anything on Facebook since my last case study. People are just clicking from my FB page, and campaigns that are still hanging out on FB. With that said, take a good look at today's traffic stats...

That is just today's. I am shocked. Now if you haven't check out the Newbie traffic formula review yet, you should. That is Holy Molly traffic and it is all free. Add today's traffic tip to the mix and you will be cruising out of control. I might have that back wards (scratching my head.) 
Leave your comment below.

Any hoo, thanks for reading Newbie Traffic: How to tap into Twitter Traffic.

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  1. Hey William - I thought that Twitter only shows people reply's to their tweets if they are following that account?

  2. Hey William - I thought Twitter only shows replys when the user is following the account that's replied to them?

    I've got an idea that can help you further on this, email me and I'll send you the step.



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