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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How to Easily Find Hot Niches to Create PLR around

How to Easily Find Hot Niches to Create PLR around

Choosing Profitable Niches

The first thing you need to do is find a hot profitable niche. That is, you need to uncover a topic in which there are plenty people who are willing and eager to buy PLR content.

One common mistake at this point is to seek out a hot niche of “end users” who’re buying the content you’re creating… rather than seeking out marketers who’re buying PLR content.

Example: Let’s suppose you discover there are plenty of end users wanting to buy Drone books so that they can teach them how to use a drone. That’s great. And that may very well be a good niche if you were selling your product directly to end users (e.g., drone owners in this case). However, you’re selling to marketers in the niche – and if no marketers are buying drone-training PLR content, then it’s not what I’d consider a hot niche.

So what you need to look for are niches where there’s a great demand for PLR content from the marketers who work in that niche.

Typically, these niches tend to be part of your bigger, evergreen markets such as weight loss, golf, dog training, online marketing, work from home and similar markets.

Now, one of the best ways to discover a good niche for PLR content is by finding out what kinds of private label rights content marketers and webmasters are ALREADY buying.

There’s no guesswork required – just sell something people are already eagerly buying, and you’ll never have to worry about creating content that people don’t want.

Here’s how you determine what types of PLR marketers are already buying…

See What’s Hot on Clickbank is one of the bigger marketplaces for digital goods – and they have a searchable marketplace. So, one of your first stops is to visit the marketplace and search for some very broad terms, such as:

·         PLR
·         Private label rights
·         Resell rights
·         Master resell rights

In all cases, you’re looking for a pattern. That is, don’t get too excited if you see just one PLR package being offered in some obscure niche. Instead, you’re looking for bestselling PLR packages. And you’re looking for multiple sellers selling PLR in the same niche.

So, for example, if you see several dog training PLR packages, that’s a good sign that it’s a hot topic.

Tip: You’ll see that I included the search terms “resell rights” and “master resell rights”. That’s because people who buy resell rights and master resell rights also tend to buy private label rights. As such, if you see plenty of content with resell rights, you can generally assume that PLR content will sell to that market, too.

You can even use this strategy for marketplaces such as JVZOO and Warrior Plus.

Check Out Popular Forum Marketplaces

Some business and marketing forums have marketplaces that are known for carrying a variety of private label rights content. One of the best marketplaces to check is on the You can check both the “Classifieds” section as well as the “Warrior Special Offer” section.

Again, what you’re looking for are patterns. If you see different sellers creating PLR products in one particular niche, that’s a pretty good sign that there’s a market buying this PLR content.

Tip: The advantage of looking for PLR content trends on a forum is that you can also sometimes get a feel for how “hot” the topic is. Just look at how many people are responding to the thread, especially with comments that they’ve purchased the product. If you see several people doing this, that’s a good sign that there are buyers for this particular PLR topic.

Run a Google Search

Here you run a search in Google with a variety of PLR, resell rights and master resell rights search terms. For example:

·         PLR
·         PLR content
·         PLR ebooks
·         PLR articles
·         PLR membership sites
·         Private label rights
·         Private label rights content
·         Private label rights ebooks
·         Private label rights articles
·         Private label rights membership sites

… And so on, running similar searches for “resell rights” and “master resell rights” search terms.

Again, look for patterns. If you see a lot of content being offered in a particular niche, that’s usually a good sign that there are marketers buying PLR content on that topic.

Also, don’t forget to look at the sponsored ads that run along the top and on the right side of the regular search results. If you see marketers spending money to advertise their PLR, resell rights and master resell rights content, that’s a good sign that there are people buying the content.

Use Keyword Tools

Here you can use tools like or (or your favorite keyword tool like ubersuggests) to find out what kinds of PLR content people are looking for in Google and other search engines.

Just enter general search terms such as:

·         PLR
·         Private label rights
·         Resell rights
·         Master resell rights

… and similar terms. The tool will give you related searches, such as “dog training PLR articles”. And this will give you an idea of what kind of content people are looking for.

Tip: Don’t use this method in isolation. Because while it tells you what kinds of PLR content people are searching for in the search engines, it doesn’t tell you what people are buying. Indeed, you don’t even know if these searchers are buyers – maybe they’re other marketers who’re merely scoping out the competition. As such, use this method to help confirm that a topic is in demand, but don’t rely on it in isolation.

Keep an Eye on Your Niche Market

Finally, be sure to keep an eye on PLR sellers, forums where PLR sellers congregate, blogs where marketers talk about PLR content and similar sites. Here your goal is to simply keep an eye on the market.

What kinds of packages are people talking about on the forums? What are they blogging about? What kinds of PLR content are they promoting in their newsletters?

In short, you’re keeping your finger on the pulse of the market. Once again, just seek out patterns. If you suddenly see an influx of golf PLR content, that’s a clue that the topic is hot right now (and that there’s a market of buyers who want and need it).

Last but not Least

You just discovered five ways to determine what type of PLR content is selling well. You may very well discover that there are several such popular niches were you can clearly see there are a lot of PLR buyers (as evidenced by several PLR sellers catering to that market).

Want to learn more about running your own Profitable High End PLR business and Turn Product Idea's into Big Paydays?? Click here to Discover more.

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